When using dark or vibrantly coloured paper stocks, white ink will make your messaging even more noticeable and significant. White ink is fantastic for making a statement as until fairly recently, it was rare to see! The spectrum of printed colours; cyan, magenta, yellow and black, meant that printing with white ink was unattainable until fairly recently. Now, advanced technology means that we can print with white ink that is sharper, brighter and opaquer.  

Just recently, Rapidity has been lucky enough to pioneer the Premium White ElectroInk that has been released for our HP Indigo 7900 presses. When compared to its HP Indigo White Ink counterpart, the new Premium White Ink features an uncompromising quality and speed and can achieve the best and purest white opacity, thus enhancing your material like never before!

White ink looks particularly exceptional on promotional materials such as flyers and leaflets, invitations, seasonal mailers and business cards, as it dramatically enhances the overall appearance of your marketing collateral.

We recommend discussing your project with us at the earliest convenience as our experience allows us to advise you of the best way of achieving the look you are after.